Principal Colby Muscarelle's Welcome Letter

Hello to all P.S./I.S. 192 The Magnet School for Math and Science Inquiry Families.

We hope you are doing well this summer.  We are reaching out to make sure all families are aware of the first day of school, Thursday, September 5th, 2024.  The school day hours remain the same, 8 am - 2:20 pm.  

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on September 5th to kick off an amazing school year.  We cannot emphasize enough the importance of daily attendance - we're striving for 100% attendance on the first day of school!

You should have received your child's class assignment for the 2024-2025 school year with his/her report card sent home in June.  Additionally, you should have received a supply list for the upcoming school year with the report card (incoming students should have received the supply list at registration).  We will have a team of staff members and older students helping to deliver bags of supplies to the classrooms on the first few days of school.  Please be sure to label everything with your child's name and class.  We have included the supply lists for your convenience.  

If you have not done so already, we strongly encourage you to create a NYCSA for each of your children registered in NYCPS.  Each year, NYCPS has increased the amount of information within these NYC School Accounts, including though not limited to your child's class assignment, report card grades, state assessment scores, class schedule, IEP information, busing information, emergency contact information, and attendance data.  

We also encourage you to regularly review our P.S./I.S. 192 website for a calendar of the upcoming month, a monthly principal's letter to families, the school foods lunch menu, School Leadership Team (SLT) and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meeting dates, agendas, and minutes, along with plenty of other information and resources. 

Warmest regards,

Colby Muscarelle
