Principal Colby Muscarelle's October Letter

 Dear Families,


What an amazing first month of school!  It’s great seeing so many smiles and such excitement from students, families, and P.S./I.S. 192 staff alike.  We are blessed to have such wonderful students  - they are a pleasure!  As always, September was a busy month.  We look forward to many more exciting activities throughout the year at P.S./I.S. 192.

        Curriculum Night was a successful event, with many families attending virtually, getting to know their child’s teachers and beginning to develop an important partnership.  We encourage you to maintain an open line of communication throughout the year with teachers for updates on  your child’s progress and to raise any concerns.  

Our first Coffee with the Principal was a wonderful event with a great turnout.  We discussed the importance of attendance and being on time, while enjoying an interactive conversation. 

Starting on September 15th and running until October 15th we are celebrating Hispanic Heritage month, with many activities  highlighting Hispanic culture. Please don’t miss the opportunity to attend the Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration on Thursday, October 17th at 2:30 PM. 

We are celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness throughout the month of October. We are asking all students and staff to wear PINK on Wednesdays to bring awareness to this terrible disease. 

We are pleased to announce our Partnership with Cornell University to bring ‘Nutrition Workshops’ to our school community. Families will be invited to attend events for this program on Tuesdays, October 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, November 12th, 19th, 26th and December 3rd starting at 9:00 AM. Please reach out to our school Parent Coordinator, Ms. Solange Cisneros-Steinert at or 718-633-3061 EXT 2056 or 1041 for more information.  It is crucial that our children (and their loved ones) are getting the nutrition they need to lead healthy, productive lives.  

We are happy  to welcome our new 2024- 2025 PTA Board members: Peter Campanella - President & Veronika Zhvaniav -Treasurer.  Good luck and we wish you a successful year.

The PTA will be hosting a virtual expedited election for a secretary position on Thursday, October 10th at 2:45 PM. Please attend and support this event.  There will also be an election for a parent seat on the School Leadership Team (SLT) and the Title I PAC committee chairperson.

As a friendly reminder, school doors open at 7:40 AM for all students that wish to eat breakfast. School hours are 8:00 AM - 2:20 PM.  Students that arrive after 8:00 AM will need to come to the main office for a late pass.  Absences and latenesses indirectly impact your child’s report card because lost instructional time affects their learning.  It is crucial that students are in school and on time each day.

As a reminder, we will be conducting one emergency drill per week for the next four weeks.  Please use the GRP Summary Guide ( to discuss emergency responses with your child.

Please also note the Safer Access Door system is now in effect.  Please see the parent letter.

We’ve discussed this with our students and encourage you to do the same.  Students, visitors, and staff are to ring the buzzer if they get to the school after arrival time and the front doors are locked.                                       

Don’t forget to visit our school's virtual Lost & Found closet. ( find the QR code below)

As a reminder, there is no school this Thursday and Friday in observance of Rosh Hashanah.  Additionally, there is no school Monday, October 14th, in observance of Italian Heritage/Indigenous People’s Day (Columbus Day).  


Warmest Regards,

 Mr. Colby Muscarelle







Coffee with the Principal ( September Minutes)


         Dear P.S./I.S. 192 Families,


Our first Coffee with the Principal was a successful event. We wanted to thank all the families that attended the meeting and we encourage all families to attend future meetings.

Please read below for the highlights of the meeting and important resourceful information that you might need in order to ensure that your child is here everyday and promptly at 8:00AM. The school doors open at 7:40 not only for the students that wish to eat breakfast but for early drop off as well.

        Student attendance is a top priority at P.S./I.S. 192.  

  • Student’s will be marked absent even if they provide a doctor note. 
  • We kindly ask that you please schedule Doctors’ appointments after school hours to minimize the impact learning
  • Please do not attempt to pick students up early beyond 1:45 PM
  • Any health updates, information or concerns please contact our school nurse, Ms. Kitty Yu at or 718-366-3061 EXT 3201. (Please click this link for health related forms)
  • Preliminary data from a study found that children who were chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade were far less likely to read proficiently at the end of 3rd grade. 
  • If children don’t show up for school regularly, they miss out on fundamental reading and math skills and strong attendance habits that will carry them into college and careers.


Attendance Resources

attendance videos.  

Attendance in the early grades infographic.  

Pre-K and K attendance resource 

Grades 1-5.attendance resource 

Middle school attendance resource


Warmest Regards,

Mr. Colby Muscarelle


October Calendar