Principal Colby Muscarelle's Monthly Letter

February, 2025

Dear P.S./I.S. 192 School Community,


The first month of 2025 has been remarkable, as we organized events aimed at supporting and engaging our exceptional school community.

We hosted Tech Support Week for families that needed technical assistance with various accounts, (NYC Kids RISE, NYCSA, MySchools & Google Classroom). If you still need support or if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our school Parent Coordinator, Ms. Solange Cisneros-Steinert or at 718-633-3061 EXT 1040 or 2056.

The Coffee with the Principal event proved to be a success, as the presentation on Eliciting Language in Children delivered by our school's Bilingual Speech Language Pathologist, Ms. Rebecca Nuzzi, was very well received.

We also hosted our first Art and Sip Juice Family event, which was a great turnout. 

We appreciate your attendance, and want to thank Ms. Elena Menjivar, our 

Title I Parent, for organizing this amazing event . 

February also brings exciting events for students and families. We encourage you to attend and participate in these school events (see the calendar for all events).

  • Respect for All Week - February 10th to February 14th
  • Movie Day - Monday, February 10th at 2:30 PM
  • PTA Meeting - Tuesday, February 11th @ 6:30 PM virtually
  • Picture Day - Thursday, February 13th (Stepping Up for Pre-K, K, and 5th grade, Retakes, and 8th grade graduation pictures)
  • Valentine’s Day Flower Sale - Thursday, February 13th - Friday, February 14th (after school)
  • Fundations Family Workshop - Thursday, February 27 (please RSVP to Mrs. Campanella at

Please note NYC public schools are closed the week of February 17th - 21st for Mid-Winter Recess.  We encourage you to consider various enriching activities for your children during this period, such as exploring the diverse museums our city offers or engaging with the events and resources at the Public Library, including borrowing books for home reading. We extend our best wishes for an enjoyable Mid-Winter Recess to all families.

We encourage you to establish a weekly dialogue with your child’s teacher, utilizing email, our school website, or ClassDojo, to discuss and monitor your child’s social-emotional and academic growth. Your proactive involvement is greatly valued and plays a crucial role in their educational journey.

Important Information:

  • We ask kindly that you PLEASE make doctor’s appointments after school hours.
  • If you must sign your child out of school early, please do so by 1:45 PM
  • Classroom teachers must be informed about any future absences
  • Please keep the school informed about any changes in your child’s attendance, changes to your address/contact information
  • Please do your best to have your child attend school daily. P.S./I.S. 192 does not take missed school days lightly. If your child is sick please send a doctor’s note upon their return (All absences will be reflected on your child’s attendance record).  
  • Arrivals/Lateness: It's very important that students arrive on time each day. We open the doors at 7:40AM for all students that would like to eat breakfast or to come in and chat with friends.  School begins promptly at 8:00AM. Any student that arrives after 8:00 AM will be marked late.


Warmest Regards,

Colby Muscarelle,



DOE Food Menu

February Teacher’s Monthly Curriculum Letter





Coffee with the Principal

P.S./I.S. 192 Monthly Calendar