School Updates

Attendance Letter

To all P.S./I.S. 192 Families, 


We hope you had a safe and enjoyable summer break. We are so excited to welcome your child back into school on Monday, September 13th. The mayor and the NYC DOE have removed the “remote only” option for instruction this year. Please note that students are expected to be in school by 8:00 am daily. Students who arrive after 8:00 am will be marked late.  A free grab-and-go breakfast will be offered to all students upon arrival.  

In the event your child needs to stay home due to a COVID-19 positive test, close contact to a positive case, or a snow day they will be required to participate in class remotely, either synchronously in live Google Meets, or asynchronously by completing work assigned by their teacher.  All students will be instructed on how to use Google Classroom and Google Meet by their teacher.


Attendance Definitions:

In-Person: Student is physically present in school/classroom environment.

Remote: Student is virtually present for synchronous or asynchronous instruction.

  • Synchronous:
    • live instruction between teacher and student each day at a scheduled time
    • may include google meet, zoom, microsoft teams, or other DOE approved platform
    • Students will be marked present if virtually present for daily synchronous instruction
  • Asynchronous:
    • do NOT feature students and teachers interacting at the same time
    • project based learning where students work independently
    • viewing videos either teacher created or provided
    • complete all assignments and submit to the teacher
    • complete all assignments at their own pace


The following are the quarantine protocols due to COVID-19 exposure: 

  • PK-5: In the event there is a positive case in a classroom, all students in the class will be instructed to quarantine for 10 calendar days. Students will continue to receive live (synchronous) remote instruction while they quarantine.
  • Middle Schools: In the event there is a positive case in a classroom, students who are:
    • At least 12 years old, vaccinated, and not showing symptoms will continue to attend school in-person. Out of an abundance of caution, these students are encouraged to take a COVID-19 test 3 to 5 days after exposure.
    • At least 12 years old, vaccinated, and showing symptoms will be directed to quarantine for 10 calendar days. These students will have access to remote learning (synchronous or asynchronous) while quarantining.
    • Unvaccinated will be directed to quarantine for 10 calendar days. These students will continue their learning remotely (synchronous or asynchronous) . On day 5 of their quarantine, students may take a COVID-19 test, and with a negative result, return to attending school in-person after day 7.

Protocols to return to school after a COVID-19 exposure or positive result:

  • Positive COVID -19 test: Students will return to class when the student has been fever free for 24hrs and no longer has symptoms without medication. 
  • Has quarantined for 10 days


OR - Received a negative COVID-19 test since the onset of symptoms is fever free for 24hrs without symptoms or medication.

OR - Never received a COVID-19 test but quarantines for 10 days and is fever free for 24hrs without symptoms or medication.

OR - Was vaccinated against the COVID-19 within the past 3 days and is fever free for 24hrs without medication.


**Schools will be closed only when it is determined by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) that there is widespread transmission in the school. 

Protocols to return to school after a close contact with a positive COVID-19 case:

Grades PK-5:

  • Students can return to school after 10 days of quarantine without symptoms.
  • Monitor symptoms for 10 days without the use of medication. Should symptoms begin the student may not attend school. 

Middle School:

  • Unvaccinated: 
    • May test out of quarantine after the 5th day of close contact exposure and return to school after the 7th day.
    • Student must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test result
  • Vaccinated:
    • Do NOT need to quarantine if they are FULLY vaccinated (2 weeks following the 2nd dose or 2 weeks after the single dose vaccine)
    • Have remained asymptomatic since the exposure
    • Recommended to get tested between 3-5 days of the exposure




Colby Muscarelle




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